Earn more on your association reserve funds
Why cash doesn’t have to be the only option
Managing long-term capital is often constrained. Boards’ fiduciary obligations demand careful attention to investment considerations; and the options for the optimal preservation and management of association assets, as well as the returns on capital, have historically been limited.
We are here to close that gap. Our association team will connect you with an expert advisor in your area to analyze your situation and craft a financial plan and investment strategy for your association that extends beyond simply managing your cash.
The fiduciary standard
We are licensed legal fiduciaries who hold the same values for our clients that you do for your fellow homeowners. Bound to act in the best financial interest of our clients, we always consider fees, expenses, and objectives when making investment decisions.
Objective financial guidance
As trusted fiduciaries, our advisors provide unbiased advice in the best interests of your association.
Our fee structure is transparent. We don't receive commissions on trades or investment solutions.
Reduction of third-party risk
Associations often leverage the counsel of unlicensed third parties (e.g., community members and well-meaning managers or brokers), which inherently involves risk.
Using a registered investment advisor eliminates this exposure.
Institutional knowledge
Your advisor will facilitate institutional knowledge throughout board transitions, thereby helping to maintain financial continuity for your association.
Our financial guidance and strategies are focused on your needs.
Resources for associations
Ways we can help
This list features some of the topics we frequently field from associations. For answers to your specific situation, we invite you to schedule a meeting with a member of our team.
As an association, what investment options are available to us?
Are investments able to be quickly converted to cash, if we need access to reserve funds?
What is the difference between Treasury bonds and Treasury ETFs?
Where can I view my balances online?
How do I grant someone else the permission to view or transact in my account?
How is my account protected?
Want to learn more?
Is your Association managing its reserves effectively?
Speak with a Farther advisor today to get expert advice, access to investments, and financial planning for your association that will make a difference.