Mike Whitmore

Senior Vice President, Wealth Advisor

Areas of Expertise

Tax Strategies
Asset Allocation
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Life Insurance

Qualifications & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science, Marketing Emphasis w/ Minor in Dutch Literature - Brigham Young University
  • Wealth advisor specializing in retirement planning for 8 years, helping hundreds of couples and individuals enjoy their lifestyle and worry less about their wealth
Denver, CO


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Words to Live By

To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for that which would be his finest hour.
Winston S. Churchill

Client Experience Professionals

Team Members

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Mike initially began his financial experience as a client of a retirement planning firm. He witnessed, first-hand, how beneficial having a financial plan could be when he lost his first wife to cancer. At a young age, he became a widower and single father of three children. He knows each planning situation is unique: Mike seeks first to understand a client’s concerns and objectives, and then designs a plan specific to their situation to help them achieve peace of mind. Mike’s passion comes from helping clients enjoy their lifestyle and worry less about their wealth. 

Even as a native of Colorado, Mike still enjoys discovering new areas of the beautiful state, spending time with family, looking for lost golf balls (i.e. hiking), Jeeping, and exploring.