Margie Carpenter

Senior Vice President, Wealth Advisor

Areas of Expertise

Asset Allocation
Retirement Planning
Goal Alignment

Qualifications & Experience

  • BA, French, Bates College
  • MBA, Finance, Emory University
  • 25+ years experience guiding women on their unique financial journeys
Cleveland, OH


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Words to Live By

It’s good to have money and the things money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy.
George Horace Lorimer

Client Experience Professionals

Team Members

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Margie has over 25 years of experience in the financial advisory industry — with more than 10 of those years focused on serving independent, pre-retiree women. She launched her own firm in 2010 and then joined Farther in 2022 to accelerate her access to top technology and to augment the support for her client base.

Margie is an unofficial member of the Lifelong Learning Club — and believes that retirement is becoming an outdated phenomenon. For those clients who do retire: she reviews the financial aspects around retirement, but also counsels them to focus on what they’re retiring to (not just what they’re retiring from). 

Margie has two wonderful, grown daughters whom she visits whenever possible. She also loves traveling, hiking, and yoga.