Christine Thibodeaux

Wealth Advisor

Areas of Expertise

Tax Strategies
Asset Allocation
Equity Compensation
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning

Qualifications & Experience

  • 10+ years combined experience in Accounting and Personal Financial Planning
  • BA in Accounting & Business Administration, Queens University of Charlotte
San Francisco, CA


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Words to Live By

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.
Kofi Annan

Client Experience Professionals

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Team Members

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A comprehensive Wealth Advisor and fiduciary with over 10 years experience in the financial services industry, Christine partners with clients to unlock a purpose-driven and prosperous financial future – with a focus on their personal values and vision. 

Financial education is a cornerstone of Christine’s approach: whether it's demystifying complex tax structures and equity compensation, exploring investment opportunities, or discussing estate planning intricacies. She is dedicated to ensuring that clients are well-informed and confident in every financial decision. Tax efficiency and strategic investment are crucial aspects of financial planning, and she specializes in tailoring these components to complement each client's individual goals, helping them maximize their financial potential while minimizing tax burdens. 

Christine began working in wealth management soon after graduating from college and returned to the industry after raising her family. While Christine thoroughly enjoys working with all clients, she is strongly committed to helping women master their finances, as well as educating them on and planning for issues that are unique to women – such as finances after divorce, the unseen financial impact of career pauses or  underearning, and the risks associated with living longer than men. She currently serves as the DEI Director on the Board of Directors for the Financial Planning Association of San Francisco and is a member of the Marin County Estate Planning Council.

The proud parent of three children, Christine is a foodie and avid outdoor enthusiast – hiking, mountain biking, skiing, kayaking, golfing, and stand-up paddleboarding at every opportunity.